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  Old Car Teams

  In Cuba there are several projects of historical cars, mainly in Havana, having three of them, and other groups located in Pinar del Rio, the westernmost province of the country; in Santiago de Cuba, city located 944 km (587 mi) to the southeast of the capital; and in Matanzas, a city nearby the famous Varadero beach.

This non-profit entities are called Escuderías de Autos Históricos (historical car teams) and have been registered by the Federación de Automovilismo y Kartismo de Cuba as part of a sport.
These teams have their own directives and are headed by a president. They hold meetings with some regularity aimed at increasing the possibilities for expositions, promotions, and competitions in the various events related to brands, originality, comfort, antiquity, and other details of the cars.

They also organize competitions in events like Best Parking, Best Reverse Conduction, and Best Braking. In addition they organize others like that of the Owner Family of the Best Presented Car and More Shimmering Engine, among other ideas that serve as an incentive for the participants.

The sponsors are a determining factor in the success of all the activities. They are in charge of delivering the prizes.
For the time being, the best expositions have taken place in Havana, mainly in the areas near the Comodoro Hotel, which is the seat of the team "La Macorina" named after the first woman driver in Cuba and having more than 40 cars.

The competitions also take place by the Melia Cohiba Hotel, seat of the team Club del Automóvil de La Habana, having almost 80 cars.
The teams also collaborate as a promotional means for carting and motorcycling competitions and in popular activities, mainly in the Havana Malecon Avenue and the Revolution Square among many other attractive spots of the Cuban capital.

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