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  Cuba: A Rolling Museum
No one has been able to provide accurate figures about the amount of old cars rolling up and down Cuban streets; no matter if it is in the oldest city of Baracoa, in southestern Cuba, or in any of the wide avenues of Havana.
A stranger could believe we are exaggerating if we say that these rolling museum pieces account for several thousands, and hundreds of them still preserve all the original parts.

Perfectly preserved, actual jewels of the 1920's and 30's circulate along the streets. Their owners have turn out to be real magicians sometimes to keep their works of art shining like the first day.

Something that is an everyday sight for a national may constitute an attraction for the visitors, who can not avoid staring and admiring those antique cars, no matter if they are parked or rolling, since the very moment they set the first foot in Cuba.

Nowadays, most of the owners of old cars use them for a private taxi service. Nevertheless, if that is the case, the cars do not preserve their originality because of the high fuel consumption of the original engines. Owing to this, most of them have been adapted to function with diesel fuel, which is notably cheaper and consequently produces a higher profit.

After continuous efforts and arrangements by the City's Historian's Office, a company was created to allow rental of these beautifully restored vehicles. This agency provides an attractive taxi service for tourists which uses well-preserved old cars, most of them having being in use for more than half a century.

Renting one of these cars would be something like traveling backwards in a time machine. It will provoke the same emotions no matter if you are going to drive it yourself or if you are going to contract the services of a driver.
One thing is sure and you should bear it in mind. If you are willing to buy one of these classical cars, we advice you should not do it. There is simply no way for you to take it out of the country. By means of a law, passed precisely to that effect, they are considered National Patrimony.

In the same way, we suggest a visit to the Depósito del Automóvil, the old car section of the Museo de la Ciudad, located in the corner of the streets Oficio and Callejón de Justiz, in Old Havana.

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